Find Your Career Compass with Michelle Ward

BarkBox HQ
221 Canal St 
New York, NY 10002


When you're able to clarify and articulate what makes you unique, why you're valued, and what you want to be known for in your field, you can create your own career compass that'll lead you to being a proactive Lady Boss and getting more of what you want.

Lady Boss presents a career coaching workshop with Michelle Ward, CPC, PCC, and the When I Grow Up Coach, at the BarkBox HQ on Tuesday, January 27, 7-9 PM.

During this 2-hour workshop, Michelle will help you develop your own career compass, like a personal spirit guide to kicking butt at work. You can use your career compass internally to guide you to make the right career decisions, and externally to speak to your boss, make connections, update your resume, and more. 

Lady Boss is beyond pumped to be scheming alongside Michelle Ward – she's a full-time creative career coach who has worked with hundreds of creative people to discover and achieve the passionate career they didn't know they could have. She has one of Forbes' Top 100 Sites For Your Career, teaches the 2nd highest-viewed course on CreativeLive’s Craft & Makers channel, "Create Your Dream Career," and is the author of The Declaration of You: Find It, Own It and Shout It From the Rooftops (North Light Books, 2013). You may have also spied her in NYMag!

You are SO boss. It's the new year and it's time to get serious. Join us – limited space available, so hurry! Come create your career compass, and start to take action for your career.